European Directory of Notaries

The European Directory of Notaries allows you to search for notaries in all official languages of the European Union in all countries with a Latin type notarial system

The European Directory of Notaries is a project of the Council of the Notariats of the European Union (C.N.U.E.).

The Bundesnotarkammer provides technical support for the Directory (

Below you will find an overview of the national directories of notaries available on the internet. You can access the national directories either directly via the link in the column “Notaries based in” or via the link in the column “Notarial organisations”, which leads to the homepage of the respective notarial organisation.

Responsibility for the content of the directories and other external websites does not lie with the Bundesnotarkammer, but with the respective notarial organisation that provides the information.


Notaries based in Notarial organisations
Belgium (WL) | (Annuaire)
Belgium (FL) | (Adresboek)
Fédération Royale des Notaires de Belgique |
Koninklijke Federatie van het Belgisch Notariaat
Germany Bundesnotarkammer
Estonia Eesti Vabariigi Notarite Koda
France Conseil Supérieur du Notariat Français
Italy Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato
Croatia Hrvatska Javnobilje Nièka Komora
Latvia Latvijas Zverninatu Notaru Padome
Lithuania Lietuvos Notaru Rumai
Luxembourg Chambre des Notaires du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Netherlands Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie
Austria Österreichische Notariatskammer
Poland Krajowa Rada Notarialna
Romania Uniunea Nationala a Notarilor Publici din Romania
Slowac Republic Notárska komora Slovenskej republiky
Slovenia Notarska Zbornica Slovenije
Spain Consejo General del Notariado
Czech Republic Notarska Komora Ceské Republiky
Hungary Magyar Országos Közjegyzoi Kamara