Press downloads and contact

Media representatives are welcome to get in touch with the press department of the Bundesnotarkammer at any time.

Notaries are involved in various processes of modern rule of law, especially in the area of preventive administration of justice. They have special expertise, legal knowledge and experience from notarial practice.

Dr. Milan Bayram, notary candidate and press spokesman of the Bundesnotarkammer, is at your disposal for further information and any queries.

We are here for you to answer your questions or put you in touch with the suitable contact person throughout Germany.

Photographic material “Notary”

Eingangsschild der Bundesnotarkammer
Stempel der Bundesnotarkammer auf einem Dokument
Bild eines notariellen Schriftstückes mit einem Wachssiegel
Mann im Anzug unterscheibt ein Dokument
Mann im Anzug unterscheibt ein Dokument


Logo of the Archive of Authentic Acts of the Bundesnotarkammer
Logo of the Central Register of Lasting Powers of Attorney
Logo of the Certification Authority of the Bundesnotarkammer
Logo of the Examination Office for the Professional Examination for Notaries