Tasks and activities of the Bundesnotarkammer

The scope of tasks of the Bundesnotarkammer is legally defined in accordance with Section 78 Federal Code for  Notaries (Bundesnotarordnung; BNotO).

The Bundesnotarkammer is entrusted with a variety of different tasks. It shall in particular

  • determine the opinions of the individual chambers of notaries in regard to issues which affect the chambers of notaries collectively, voice the opinion of the Bundesnotarkammer vis-à-vis the competent courts and authorities and represent the chambers of notaries collectively vis-à-vis authorities and organisations,
  • render expert opinions requested by an authority or federal body involved in the legislative process or by a federal court in matters relating to notaries,
  • make recommendations regarding the guidelines to be issued by the chambers of notaries,
  • take measures which serve the provision of scientific advice to the chambers of notaries and their members,
  • take measures which serve the training of notaries and draw up guidelines regarding the training of notaries’ assistants and
  • support electronic communication between notaries and the courts, authorities and other third parties.

As a further mandatory function, the Bundesnotarkammer will be assigned the operation of the Central Register of Lasting Powers of Attorney, the Central Register of Wills and the operation of the Electronic Archive of Authentic Acts as of 2022.