The Bundesnotarkammer operates various institutions that perform important functions for the citizens and notaries in Germany.
Electronic Archive of Authentic Acts (Elektronisches Urkundenarchiv; EUA)
From 2022 onwards, notaries will always store their acts both electronically and physically. For this purpose, the Bundesnotarkammer will set up the Electronic Archive of Authentic Acts. This technical infrastructure will enable notaries to store their acts securely for 100 years.
The Certification Authority of the Bundesnotarkammer is a qualified trust service provider. It issues signature cards for electronic legal transactions – the digital equivalent of the seal and the signature.
Central Register of Lasting Powers of Attorney (Zentrales Vorsorgeregister; ZVR)
The Central Register of Lasting Powers of Attorney is the registration authority for enduring powers of attorney, care directives and living wills from all over Germany. It was founded in 2003 on the initiative of the Bundesnotarkammer and in 2005 was given the legal mandate to register lasting powers of attorney of citizens upon their request.
Central Register of Wills (Zentrales Testamentregister; ZTR)
The Central Register of Wills is the registration authority for wills, inheritance contracts and other documents relating to succession, taken into official safe custody for the entire German Federal State. It plays a key role in the German notification system in succession matters.
NotarNet GmbH is a subsidiary of the Bundesnotarkammer. It offers software products with a focus on secure communication in the notarial environment such as XNotar, a software for the processing of electronic legal transactions, and the notary network, which offers a safe communication infrastructure for notaries.
German Notarial Institute (Deutsches Notarinstitut; DNotI)
The German Notarial Institute in Würzburg (Deutsches Notarinstitut; DNotI) is a scientific institution founded by the Bundesnotarkammer in 1993 for advising German notaries in their daily practice. The DNotI’s task is to prepare legal opinions and other up-to-date information for the notarial practice.
Examination Office for the Professional Examination for Notaries (Prüfungsamt für die notarielle Fachprüfung; PaNotF)
The Examination Office for the Professional Examination for Notaries at the Bundesnotarkammer has the task of conducting professional examinations for notaries. Its successful completion is a prerequisite for attorneys-at-law who would like to be appointed notaries.